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« Favourite make-up brush Treatment Tuesday with Nickie Devolution »

Self Care to do list

Categories: Personal

I recently wrote up this list for BODY, the Body Dysmorphia (BDD) charity I volunteer for. Lauren the CEO asked me to write a quick list of things that are cheap/easy to do that will help you feel better about you. So if you have 5 minutes for self-care or 50 minutes, there's something in here for you.

There are some really simple ways to try bolster yourself when you're stuck in a bit of a slump. And we all need a pick me up at times, so here's a quick list of my favourites! How's about you try a couple each week; do you think you could maybe do one a day?

1. Exfoliate ALL over.
2. Moisturise ALL over - couple this with the above and your skin will be singing!
3. Have the deepest bubble bath you can. Soak. Unwind. If you don't have a bath, ask a mate! Believe me, I'm sure they'd be fine with it; I've had friends come to use my bath :)
4. Visit an animal sanctuary/rescue. Walking a dog or cuddling cats is great stress relief.
5. Try some Youtube yoga or Pilate's. Stretching is so good for you! It's not high impact but will make you think about your body and breathing.
6. Treat your hands and feet; wash, exfoliate, moisturise and paint your nails.
7. Buy yourself some flowers. You can get beautiful little roses/tulips for about £3.00 in most supermarkets, so we're not talking £20.00+.
8. Make yourself a luxurious hot chocolate.
9. Dance! Stick on something with high energy and just boogie around your bedroom
10. Give out a compliment. Making someone else feel good can benefit you too!
11. Wear something colourful.
12. Clear out your room; de-clutter and donate pieces you don't need to a charity.
13. Orgasm. They are super for the old happy hormones, so go LOVE yourself!
14. Get some sunshine. Ten minutes in a garden, a field, a park, on your front step! Whatever and wherever, if it's sunny just sit out in it for a little bit. Take a drink with you.
15. Keep hydrated! Put a reminder in your phone to have a glass of water every hour while you're awake.
16. Try cook/bake something new.
17. Cook your favourite dinner!
18. Invite a friend round for a cinema night. Sit in the dark and eat popcorn!
19. Go to department stores and get samples of new fragrances, skincare and make-up. Easy and free way to rejuvenate your make-up bag!
20. Light candles and turn out artificial light. If you're into reading get a book and nestle in but if you're not, maybe get a podcast or audiobook.
21. Watch a comedy show. Netflix and iPlayer have oodles of them; person favourites are 8 Out of 10 Cats and Live at the Apollo :)
22. Cuddle! It takes about 7 seconds for the happy hormones to be released from a hug, so hold on tight.
23. Get an early night. A warm shower, fresh sheets and lights out early.
24. Do something nice for someone else.
25. Cleaning/gardening; productive too!
26. Drawing or colouring in. It's big at the moment and there are loads of adult books for it. Don't beat yourself up if you can't draw though; even tracing an image can be therapeutic.
27. Good coffee. I asked a lot of my friends about this and a lot said getting a 'posh coffee' from somewhere made them feel super.
28. Steam room; check out a local gym or leisure centre (top tip: spa packages are super cheap on voucher sites) and sit in a steam room for 20 minutes. Alternatively, get your head over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head; it'll help you breathe better and open up all your pores.
29. Meditation. There are a plethora of great podcasts or youtube guided meditations out there. Try one and give yourself 15 minutes to just be calm.
30. (and obviously!) Put on make-up; getting yourself ready for a day can be really therapeutic. War paint on and ready to go!

Let us know how you get on, or what your favourite things are to do FOR YOU.

Tags: BODY Charity, confidence, mental health, anxiety, coffee, exfoliator, motivation, makeup, self esteem, advice, beauty, moisturise, self care, Body Dysmorphia (bdd)


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